I am a biology PhD candidate at Queen’s University, Canada. For my PhD research, I assemble and annotate a chromosome-level reference genome for Western Chorus Frog (Psuedacris triseriata) and use comparative genomic tools to investigate chromosome evolution in frogs and toads. I use ddRADseq to investigate the sex system and the mito-nuclear discordance in Canadian Western Chorus Frog populations. I anticipate defending my thesis in March 2025 and publishing thesis work later this year.

I have a diverse skillset. I have eight years’ of fieldwork experience on herpetology and environmental DNA (eDNA). My labwork experiences include DNA extraction (e.g. salt extraction, Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit, Qiagen MagAttract HMW DNA kit), eDNA extraction (chloroform-based protocol), RNA extraction (Qiagen RNeasy kit), and histology (skeletochronology). I am proficient with shell scripting and R programming and am very familiar with population genetics, phylogenomics, genome assembly and annotation, and comparative genomics. I have analysed various genomic datasets, including double digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing, Illumina shotgun whole genome sequencing, 10x Genomics linked read sequencing, PacBio HiFi long read sequencing, Dovetail Omni-C data, and RNAseq data.

I am looking for a job after my PhD, especially on genomic work. Please contact me if you have a opening position! :)